Polymerization is an official quarterly Persian publication of Iran Polymer and

Petrochemical Institute with scientific collaboration of Iran Polymer Society,

published regularly since March 2012. This journal covers all the subjects in

the field of polymer science and technology including:

Polymer synthesis, characterization, engineering properties, rheology, rubber,

plastics, composites, processing, biopolymers, drug delivery systems and natural

polymers. Also contributions from nano-related fields are regarded especially

important for its versatility in modern scientific developments.

The Advisory Board of Polymerization is composed of some of the prominent

Iranian polymer scientists and technologist. .

Polymerization receives manuscripts online and it functions by web-based peer

review process. The published articles are open access and available via the

journal website at: http://basparesh.ippi.ac.ir/

Polymer specialists, researchers, faculty members, libraries, organizations and

various institutes are subscribers to this journal right now.




Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Current Issue: Volume 14, Issue 1 - Serial Number 50, July 2024, Pages 1-75 

A Review on 4D Printing Technology in Tissue Engineering

Pages 12-20

Shadi Zarshad; Mohammad Aghajani Hashjin

Effect of Microstructure on Rheological Behavior of Linear- and Branched-Polyethylene

Pages 55-69

mohammadreza jozaghkar; Hassan Arabi; Fatemeh Heydari; Mahnaz Hasanpour


Pages 70-75

Editor Staffs

Publication Information


Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Executive Manager Editor Manager
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting